This part of the site is filled with images, videos, and other media which have to do with the Astronomy Department at Eastern University. You will find informational videos about our beliefs as well as educational videos on astronomical concepts.
For published research, see Binary Star Research, or view the PDF here:
Chalk and Table is an incredible website highlighting professors who are leaders in their field. Here are some videos on inertia by our very own, Dr. David Bradstreet.
Dr. David Bradstreet
Dr. David Bradstreet
Dr. David Bradstreet talks about what brought him into the fascinating study of astronomy and why learning is important as a person of faith.
Uploaded by Eastern University on 2019-05-14.
Chalk & TableINERTIA
Chalk & TableINERTIA
Inertia is the tendency of a body to resist changes in its motion. Dr. David Bradstreet has made a video describing what inertia is and how we measure it. Check them out below.
So often we hear about God as the creator of the universe, but rarely do we talk about the sustaining of it. Dr. Bradstreet explores what it means to not only make all of creation but how beautiful the upholding of the laws are.
Here is a sampling of deep space photography taken by non astronomy majors at Eastern University. Taken with an SBIG st-10XME CCD camera and a 16 inch Meade Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope. Edited in Maxim DL.
Here are a collection of videos which were made for the Fulldome Curriculum by Steven Sanders.
The following images were made to help understand astronomical concepts. Many have been used in the classroom as well as the planetarium in the Fulldome Curriculum.